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Jun 15, 2021

In this week's episode, we discuss Carl Jung’s theory on Shadow Work. Listen as we talk about understanding the unconscious parts of yourself and your psyche, and its similarities to doing inner child work, and spiritual and somatic work. Dive in as we discuss the process of accepting the "good" and "bad" parts of our lives and selves, and what is needed to engage in transformational change.

Please invest in the work of Bessel Van der Kolk who remains the father and guru of deep trauma work.

Key takeaways from this episode:

1. Wait this is just therapy. Ask yourself: how do we become more comfortable with dealing with the hard stuff? Don’t make it unattainable and unreachable but over-complicating the situation and overanalyzing the theory.

2. Be careful when reading information on the internet and so-called Shadow Work experts. This topic has become trendy now in our field and people are trying to make money off of vulnerable people. This is deep trauma work that needs to be done by an experienced license professional and healer.

3. Shadow is always within you, when you do the work, it minimizes overtime.

4. We are never experts and we are always in the work. You have to view yourself as someone in the trenches and a person that is always doing the work simultaneously as you are helping others.

For questions and shareouts and further discussion please contact us at

Until next time, remember to live, laugh, love, and keep it real.
-Frantzces, Sabeen and Tonika :)

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