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Apr 27, 2021

In this week's episode, we discuss client autonomy. Listen as we talk about DMX’s appearance on Iyanla: Fix My Life and his plea for decision making over his change process, and the moral and professional dilemma of directing clients with our agenda and when to step back and let the client lead the work. Dive in as we discuss our own preferred treatment modalities and clinical training, and the impact of our approach on our clients and their ultimate shift towards change.

It's difficult watching our clients work their stuff out, when we often can see the trajectory of healing (or lack thereof) through their own process of healing.

Rest in Power, DMX. We love you.

Key takeaways from this episode:

1. The therapeutic alliance is everything and there can be a balance between directive and nondirective clinical work. The work with clients has to be intentional and always moving forward. So be mindful of your distractions, like constant note-taking during sessions, and of course, be present!

2. Please know that the client has a right to self -determination. Check your privileges and biases at the door. We are not here to save anyone and we definitely ARE here to respect someone’s journey.

3. Do not be afraid to “turn up the heat a little bit” at some point during treatment. Everyone is trained differently and our approaches can vary based on the population served. As therapists and healers, we can use many techniques to guide clients without prescribing the outcome of their treatment.

4. Remind yourself of the client’s identified goal and what they want to work on in treatment. Ask yourself: Why are they here? What is the discharge process? Continue to engage in conversations with clients that do not shy away from termination and monitor client progress.

5. Little people can co-create goals with us. They can plan, problem solve and it’s our job to guide them along. :)

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